Information System for Nature Conservation of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ISNC-FB&H) comprises information about natural (biological and geological) heritage of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the form of data bases, applications and web services. ISNC-FB&H is built for collecting, keeping, maintaining and sharing of information.
According to the Article 197 of the Law on Nature Protection of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Federation of B&H 66/13 from 28 August 2013) Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism organize while Federal Institute for Nature Protection (FINP) manages Information System for Nature Conservation (ISNC) as a part of a common Information System of the Ministry, and in compliance with the international standards and commitments. According to the same article, FINP should conduct collecting, processing and merging of information about nature condition, preparation of reports and management and maintanence of the ISNC.
Since FINP is not yet established, the Government of the Federation of B&H have come with the Resolution No. 146/2018 from the 1 February 2018, which obligates the Environmental Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Fund) to commence activities in order to establish ISNC. The Fund was assigned with the task of establishing and development of ISNC until the moment of the establishment of FINP.
This portal is a landing page for publishing all modular parts of ISNC-FB&H (protected areas, flora, fauna, protected species, red list, etc.). Each part of this information system will be developed as a separate application and integrated into the system either through a common database, or by adding it as outer reference to this portal.
Areas of pronounced geological, biological, ecosystem or landscape diversity or areas important as bird habitats.
Database about endemic species whose classical localities are found in the area of SEE (vascular plants, mammals, amphibia and beetles (Coleoptera)).
Pilot species distribution module of FB&H with 100 example species.
Cadastre of speleological objects of FB&H.
Index of protected species of FB&H.
List of species found in FB&H, which have category of threat assigned according to the IUCN criteria.
Environmental Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is structured, nonprofit, financial institution, which as a legal entity has rights, obligations and responsibilities stipulated by the Law on Fund, Statute and other legal provisions. The Government of the Federation B&H has established the Fund on 8 July 2003, and it became operational in 2010. In the last ten years the Fund is being recognized as a subject, which financially and technically supports achieving goals defined by relevant national and international documents.
Fund has proved itself as one of the initiators of economic development of FB&H, with the constant transparency in acquiring, managing and using of its financial assets.
Main reasons for the inclusion of the Fund in the process of the establishment and management of ISNC are its recognition as a transparent source of relevant and verified information, availability of the results and information about financed projects as well as continuous financing of the projects related to nature conservation.
Modular structure of Information Systems for Nature Conservation enabled gradual approach (modul by modul) on development of the information system. This was, until now, supported by two projects.
Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Biodiversity (GIZ/ORF-BD) and Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Implementation of Biodiversity Agreements (ORF-BDU), are projects funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, enabled development of sveral components of ISNCs in the period 2018–2020:
Project financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in cooperation with the relevant ministries and institutions in the country u 2021 godini enabled setting up of: