It is estimated that distributions of over 2,000 taxa in the SEE region are limited to only one or several economies in the area – endemic taxa. These taxa (species and subspecies) are among the most attractive taxa and their limited distribution makes them vulnerable and unique to a defined geographic location. Endemic taxa are found in different sources of information including national red lists of flora or fauna in the region and much has been done on collecting and compiling data about their distribution, ecology and conservation (in line with CBD and EU guidance). However, due to a lack of close cooperation and communication, a number of issues in nomenclature (correct use of scientific names) and taxonomy (scientific status) interferes with and hampers efficient use of this information for conservation of endemic taxa. This issue is also raised within the IUCN ECARO draft document “State of Nature Conservation Systems in SEE” (2017) along with the overall need for continued increased efforts to support biodiversity conservation in the region.
The result is a contribution to the scientific community and support to recognition of the SEE region as an important biodiversity hotspot.
The Macedonian Ecological Society (MES) has administered the entire process and is an organization currently registered as a data publisher on the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) with two datasets published.
List of Endemic Taxa of SEE is database about endemic species whose classical localities are found in the area of SEE. At the moment, the list includes endemic species from several groups of terrestrial organisms:
Information about species include currently accepted name, its systematic affiliation (family level), and info about first record: locus classicus, original author, original name, date and reference.
Other data include author(s) of the accepted name, reference in which the name was accepted, and global distribution of taxon.
Whenever possible, classic locality was georeferenced.
Geopolitically, data cover SEE region.
Brochure about endemism in South-East Europe can be downloaded from this link.
Maps of classic localities of endemic species in SEE.
Endemic – native to, and restricted to, a particular geographical region. Highly endemic species, those with very restricted ranges of natural habitats, are especially vulnerable to extinction if their natural habitat is eliminated or significantly disturbed (IUCN).