Otiorhynchus (Cryphiphorus) convexiusculus F. Solari, 1932

Family: Curculionidae

Original taxon name: Otiorhynchus convexiusculus . sp.

Author of the original taxon name: Solari, F.

Classic locality: Albania: Scutari

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was first described in: Solari, F. (1932). Curculionidi nuovi, poco o male conosciuti della fauna paleartica II. L'Otiorrhynchus ligustici L. ed i suoi affini. Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana, 10: 168-201 pp.

Economy where the taxon was described in: ALB

Specific description of the place: Shkodër

Global distribution of taxon: ALB

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was accepted in: Alonso-Zarazaga et al (2017). Cooperative Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera Curculionoidea. Monografías electrónicas S.E.A., 8: 729 pp pp.