Deschampsia cespitosa scardica F.K. Mey.

Family: Poaceae

Original taxon name: Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. scardica

Author of the original taxon name: Meyer, F. K.

Classic locality: Korab, Radomir , auf Luftina, ca. 1900 m, 7. VIII. 1959, leg. F. K. Meyer (5035, HOLOTYPUS: JE)

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was first described in: Meyer, F. K. (2011). Beiträge zur Flora von Albanien . Haussknechtia, Beiheft, 15: 29 pp.

Economy where the taxon was described in: ALB

Specific description of the place: Mts. Korab, Radomir, on Luftina

Global distribution of taxon: ALB

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was accepted in: None (None).