Elytrigia repens calcarea Černjavski

Family: Poaceae

Original taxon name: Agropyron calcareum Černjavski

Author of the original taxon name: Černjavski, P.

Classic locality: Macedonia: montes Galičica, in declivitate montis Petrinja, prope pag. Velestovo supra Studeničištem, ad lacum Ochrida, ca. 1200 m.s.m., 4.VII.1939, P. Černjavski (LE)

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was first described in: Černjavski, P. (1966). Species novae e peninsula Balcanica. Novitates Systematicae plantarum vascularium: 302-315 pp.

Economy where the taxon was described in: MKD

Specific description of the place: Mt Galičica: Petrina-v. Velestovo

Global distribution of taxon: MKD

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was accepted in: Valdés, B. et al (2009). Euro+Med Plantbase. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem. Berlin-Dahlem.