Festuca nitida macrathera (Hack. ex Beck) Foggi & Signorini

Family: Poaceae

Original taxon name: Festuca violacea var. macrathera

Author of the original taxon name: Beck, G.

Classic locality: Auf steinigen Stellen der Tisovicaalpe in der Prenj Planina ca. 1600 m, ferner ober Udbar ca. 1400 m ina einer forma pallida … ferner ober Udbar ca. 1400 m ina einer forma pallida

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was first described in: Beck, G. (1887). Flora von Südbosnien ind der angrenzenden Hercegovina Franz Ritter von Hauer . Annalen K. K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums Franz Ritter von Hauer , 2: 35-76 pp.

Economy where the taxon was described in: BIH(FBIH) BIH(FBIH)

Specific description of the place: Prenj Mt. Tisovica Prenj Mt., Idbar

Global distribution of taxon: ALB[?],BIH,MNE,MKD

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was accepted in: Foggi & Signorini (2005). The Euro+Med treatment of Festuca (Gramineae) - new names and new combinations in Festuca and allied genera. Willdenowia, 35: 241-244 pp.