Hieracium praecurrens zvijezdae Loschnigg & Zahn

Family: Compositae

Original taxon name: Hieracium praecurrens subsp. zvijezdae

Author of the original taxon name: Ascherskon, P. F. A. & Graebner, K. O. P. P.

Classic locality: Bosnien: Begovina bei Pale 870 m! ... Bosnien: Bistričak potok bei Nemila! ... Bosnien: Zvijezda pl. (Zabrežje - Ponikva) bei Vareš!

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was first described in: Ascherskon, P. F. A. & Graebner, K. O. P. P. (1935). Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora, 12(2). Borntraeger. Leipzig/Berlin: 641-790 pp.

Economy where the taxon was described in: BIH(RS) BIH(FBIH) BIH(FBIH)

Specific description of the place: Pale, Begovina Zenica, Nemila village, Bistrichak stream Mts Zvijezda[?], Zabrezhje-Ponikva, Vareš

Global distribution of taxon: BIH

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was accepted in: Greuter, W.|Raab-Straube, E. (2008). Med-Checklist 2, Dicotyledones (Compositae). Optima Secretariat; Med-Check Trust of OPTIMA; Euro+Med Plantbase Secretariat. Palermo; Gen?ve; Berlin: 798 pp pp.