Pedicularis ernesti-mayeri Stevan., Niketić & D.Lakušić

Family: Orobanchaceae

Original taxon name: Pedicularis ernesti-mayeri

Author of the original taxon name: Stevanović & al.

Classic locality: Holotypus: Yugoslavia, Montenegro, Mt. Prokletije, Maja Kolata peak, 2200 m, in solo calcareo, vegetatione Festuco-Seslerietea

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was first described in: Stevanović & al. (2001). Pedicularis ernesti–mayeri (P. subsect. Comosae, Scrophulariaceae), a new species from Mt Prokletije (Yugoslavia). Razprave IV. Razreda SAZU, XLII–2: 210–226 pp.

Economy where the taxon was described in: MNE, SRB

Specific description of the place: Mts Prokletije, Maja Kolata

Global distribution of taxon: MNE,SRB

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was accepted in: Pulević, V. (2005). Građa za vaskularnu floru Crne Gore (Dopuna Conspectus Florae Montenegrinae). Posebna izdanja, Knjiga 2: 218 pp pp.