Anisoplia (Anisoplia) imitatrix Apfelbeck, 1909

Family: Scarabaeidae

Original taxon name: Anisoplia imitatrix nov. spec.

Author of the original taxon name: Apfelbeck, V.

Classic locality: Turcia. monte Hortiatsch Dagh prope Thessalonicam

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was first described in: Apfelbeck, V. (1909). Contributiones ad coleopterorum faunam peninsulae balcanicae. I. Descriptiones speciorum novarum. Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini, 21: 495-504 pp.

Economy where the taxon was described in:

Specific description of the place:

Global distribution of taxon: GRC,MKD

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was accepted in: Löbl, I. & Löbl, D. (eds.) (2016). Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera Volume 3 Revised and Updated Edition. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Brill. Leiden-Boston: 983pp pp.